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Organizational Chart and  Directory  on SQL or Ldap

for organisation from 500 to 250 000 persons

e-Chart Directory suite is an information management organizational chart software designed to help intranet-centric organizations ensure a personalized access to the organizational chart within your company, improving employees' access to their own contact information. Accessible by a friendly Web interface, e-Chart can be easily integrated on the company's Intranet, including several modules:

. Organizational chart: helps navigate dynamically in the hierarchical structure of the company on several levelsand print org chart.
chart Directory of services: multicriterial search of contact information, names, departments, receptions, addresses
chart SImulation and succession organizational chart strating with online database
chart Employee self service: users can consult and update their own contact information
c Workflow: Improves the internal procedures of your company: generates e-mail accounts, leave permits, etc.
Security management: allows the administration and distribution of information on employees' digital identity.


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